
Update From Ottawa with Kelsey Spencer

February 11, 2022 Conrad Season 1 Episode 111

Aloha friends and welcome to EPISODE 111 of Conrad  where I interviewed Kelsey Spencer who drove across the country of Canada to join the Truckers Protest at the Capital. In this episode we get a live report on the ground from someone who is also a parasitic cleansing expert which we also dive into.

CLICK ON These Links to Find:
Kelsey Spencer Parasite Telegram
Kelsey Youtube
@Kelsosmind (Instagram)
@kelso609 (Twitter)

During this episode we dig into: Update from Ottawa, Canadian Trucker Convoy, Controlled OP Thoughts, Mandates, Tactics, January 6th Comparisons, Medical Tricks, Medical Freedom, Sovereignty, Killing them with Kindness, Local Reaction, Overall Impact, Kelsey's Why, Parasite Cleanses and so much MORE.

Personal Links
@conradg315 (Instagram)
@powerofnow888 (Instagram)
@conradg315 (Twitter)
Interactive Episode
Lucid Sacred Dreams


Also, here are links to some recent interviews where I was the guest on other podcasts:

Pineal Podcast Interview
Youtube Interview with Homewrecker Podcast
Youtube Interview with Kara Mosher
Youtube Interview with Sebastian Hidalgo
Let's Be Friends -  Spotify
Let's Be Friends -  Youtube
The Spiritual Nomad Youtube interview

Intro/Outro music is a lifetime licensed product for the Conrad Podcast from and is called “Prepare Yourself” by Moments.