Fictions of Reality with D.M. Deyo
Aloha friends and welcome to EPISODE 131 of the Conrad Podcast, which was recorded in Austin, Texas. In this interview, I spoke with author DM Deyo about his book "Harriet The Hummingbird," Leaving Mormonism, Creating Art + plenty of other hot topics during this wide-ranging conversation I thoroughly enjoyed.
- Links -
DM Deyo Twitter - https://twitter.com/DM_Deyo
Harriet the Hummingbird Amazon Link
Harriet the Hummingbird Gumroad Link
During this episode we dig into: 9/11, Football, TikTok, Freedom vs Safety, Harriet The Hummingbird, Woke Disney, Scientology, Tom Cruise, Mormon Church, Baptism, Morality, Worship, Artistic Creativity, Too Trusting vs No Trust, Consciousness, Trust, God, 144k, Sports Devotion, Leaving the Military, Fiction Defining Reality, Connected to God, MAGA, Road Trip, Purpose of Life, External Saviors, Intuition + along with so much MORE.
Personal Links
@conradg315 (Twitter)
I AM Conrad (Youtube)
@conradg315 (Instagram)
@powerofnow888 (Instagram)
Interactive Episode
Lucid Sacred Dreams
EMAIL: ConradPodcast@gmail.com
Also, here are links to some recent interviews where I was the guest on other podcasts:
Let's Be Friends with Kara Mosher and Nick Hinton
Intro/Outro music is a lifetime licensed product for the Conrad Podcast from soundstripe.com and is called “Prepare Yourself” by Moments.